Solar production company in East Germany

  • Online prodej
  • #13736

Sdílet s

Tato aukce je ukončena.


Datum aukce

3. ctvrtletí 2017


  • Location: East Germany

Ukázka katalogu

Viewing is possible by prior appointment with Joachim Mink at phone +49 172-7556576.

Knock-down and direct selling is possible at any time.
Online bidding is possible immediately!

The following items are put up for sale. These are:
Handling LP-Diff, J&R; Diffusion, CENTROTHERM, and Waferhandling, J&R; PECVD4 incl. Handling, PECVD, CENTROTHERM, Handling for PECVD4, J&R; Sorter in Mx., BACCINI

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