Tato aukce je ukončena.
Datum aukce
3. ctvrtletí 2017
- Schweikert Stukkateurbetrieb & Gerüstbau
78733 AICHHALDEN (Germany)
Kroll & Rathmann GmbH (Malerfachbetrieb)
72379 HECHINGEN (Germany)
Ukázka katalogu
Viewing at both sites:
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
Locations of machines:
Schweikert Stukkateurbetrieb & Gerüstbau, Alpirsbacher Str. 69/2 in 78733 Aichhalden (Germany)
Kroll & Rathmann GmbH, Friedrichstraße 24 in 72379 Hechingen (Germany)
In case of bid acceptance the items can be sold immediately.
The following items are put up for sale. These include:
7.000 m² quick erecting platform, LAYHER, aluminum/steel; mobile steam jet, FALCH T5H; 2 cleaning machines, P.F.T. G4; cleaning machine, m-tec M3; cleaning machine, PUTZMEISTER Gipsomat P36; low pressure cleaning device, P.F.T. UP-N2; 1 continuous flow mixer, P.F.T. HM2; color mixing machine, IBEX MIX2WIN; airless texture paint sprayer, CRACO Mark-IIV Max; dehumidifiers, ATIKA; electric hand tools, WÜRTH; warehouse shelving systems; Truck, IVECO ML75E18, platform/cover, hydr. loading dock wall, reg. date 01/14; 2 car trailers, BARTHAU, HIRTH; a.m.o.
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
Locations of machines:
Schweikert Stukkateurbetrieb & Gerüstbau, Alpirsbacher Str. 69/2 in 78733 Aichhalden (Germany)
Kroll & Rathmann GmbH, Friedrichstraße 24 in 72379 Hechingen (Germany)
In case of bid acceptance the items can be sold immediately.
The following items are put up for sale. These include:
7.000 m² quick erecting platform, LAYHER, aluminum/steel; mobile steam jet, FALCH T5H; 2 cleaning machines, P.F.T. G4; cleaning machine, m-tec M3; cleaning machine, PUTZMEISTER Gipsomat P36; low pressure cleaning device, P.F.T. UP-N2; 1 continuous flow mixer, P.F.T. HM2; color mixing machine, IBEX MIX2WIN; airless texture paint sprayer, CRACO Mark-IIV Max; dehumidifiers, ATIKA; electric hand tools, WÜRTH; warehouse shelving systems; Truck, IVECO ML75E18, platform/cover, hydr. loading dock wall, reg. date 01/14; 2 car trailers, BARTHAU, HIRTH; a.m.o.
Některé části této stránky byly strojově přeloženy. Platí německý originální text.
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