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The following items are put up for auction:
6 Crank presses; 2 Eccentric presses, RASKIN, type 7D;
Forklift, TOYOTA, type 8FGL25; Automatic line for production of profile belts, SCHLEICHER;
Horizontal chain conveyor, length 6400 mm, width 1730 mm, height 590 mm;
Screw compressor, AIRPOL, type KT7, man. 2011;
Elements of traffic barriers: connectors, posts, extension arms, brackets, handrails of railings, screws, washers,
VIZA Sp. z o.o. w upadlosci likwidacyjnej
Číslo nabídky: 13608
1. ctvrtletí 2016
Forma nabídky
Online ProjektOn behalf of the insolvency administrator we are auctioning online against highest bid the well-maintained metalworking machines of the company VIZA Sp. z o.o. w upadlosci likwidacyjnej
1. ctvrtletí 2016
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Angermann & Lüders Polska T (48) 22 636 02 70 English speaking