CNC lathes and other metalworking machinery, measuring equipment and office and business equipment

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Online-Auction CNC lathes and other metalworking machinery, measuring equipment and office and business equipment

CNC lathes and other metalworking machinery, measuring equipment and office and business equipment

Číslo nabídky: 15005

Končí dne 18.09.2019

Aukce končí individuálně od:11:00

    Forma nabídky

    Online Projekt

    On behalf of the entitled party, we are selling online against highest bid the discharged and well-maintained machines from the sector metalworking

    Datum: středa 18. září 2019
    Aukce končí individuálně od:11:00

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    Bitte teilen Sie mit, über welchen Weg Sie eine Kontaktaufnahme wünschen.
    • Detaily

      Wednesday, 18. September 2019 from 08:30 – 10:45 a.m.

      at the end of the auction until 4 pm and
      Tuesday, 24.09.2019 from 09:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.

      Online bidding is possible immediately
      you can also place bids on the auction day on site (18.09.).

    • Kontaktní osoba

      Nils Brinkmann Tel. (49) 040 35 50 59-190, Email:

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