Parte de la subasta Schaudt Mikrosa GmbH

external cylindrical grinding machine VEB Schleifmaschinenwerk Karl-Marx-Stadt SA 6 U x 1500

Subasta #12196-6

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VEB Schleifmaschinenwerk Karl-Marx-Stadt


SA 6 U x 1500

Año de construcción



Steuerung: Wizard Lathe, Werkbank, Abm. ca. 2.500 x 1.000 mm, 4 Werkzeugschränke, 4-facher Auszug, Abm. ca. 50 x 60 cm, Zubehör

Warning, the sale is awarded under the condition that the sum of the highest bids attained for positions X12196-1 - X12196-9 is higher than the highest bid attained for position X12196-300, which contains these positions en bloc.

costs for dismantling:
about € 790,00 + VAT


  • 04179 Leipzig, Saarländer Straße 25

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