Parte de la subasta well-maintained machinery and equipment of various industrial sectors
house top air conditioning system York D5IC 120 G 50
Trading #12267-14
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D5IC 120 G 50
man. approx. 2007
this unit is for cooling use only.
cooling medium type R 407 C
cooling power 32 kW
power consumption of coagulant 12,8 kW
power consumption of vaporiser fan 3 kW
further details:
nominal/starting current 32/101 A
air quantity total 1,500 m³/h
max. operation pressure 28 bar
noise level 87 dB
condensation ventilator - air quantity 12,250 m³/h
evaporator - air flow 6,800 m³/h
auditibility 83 dB
documents available
technical details:
total power requirement 13 kW
weight approx. 743 kg
dimensions (W/L/H) 2,550 x 1,800 x 1,210 mm
this unit is for cooling use only.
cooling medium type R 407 C
cooling power 32 kW
power consumption of coagulant 12,8 kW
power consumption of vaporiser fan 3 kW
further details:
nominal/starting current 32/101 A
air quantity total 1,500 m³/h
max. operation pressure 28 bar
noise level 87 dB
condensation ventilator - air quantity 12,250 m³/h
evaporator - air flow 6,800 m³/h
auditibility 83 dB
documents available
technical details:
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