Parte de la subasta ŠKODA AUTO, a.s.

Packetposition - Press line ERFURT

Subasta #12252-1

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Pressline Nr. 9 contains 1x mechanical press PKZV IV/500 TS, 5x mechanical press PKZZ I/500 - specifications of individual machines, see the item 2 - 7. The condition of the owner of that machine is, that the maschine must leave the hall until October 31, 2012. Knockdown under reservation - condition that the total amount of bids submitted for items to X12252-2 - X12252-7 will be higher than the bid price at X12252-1 line, which contains all the items an individual as a unit. Removing the machines can make only companies, certified from Skoda Auto.


  • CZ 293 01 Mladá Boleslav

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