Parte de la subasta Europes leading foundry in machine casting for hot gas-carrying parts
automatic boxless moulding plant (Disa1) Disa Disamatic 2013 MK 3-A
Trading #15140-370
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Disamatic 2013 MK 3-A
Año de construcción
bale size 600 x 400 mm, max. 300 bales/h, w. core setter, AMC transfer line, cooling conveyor, L 37,000 mm, 2 casting units for analysis change, designed as bottom-pour ladle, capacity per unit 3,000 kg, 2 ladle cars, rail-bound, control system, make Allen Bradley, additional casting cooler (due to shortened cooling line), make Schenck, type 1 GQF 0036, max. supply rate 300 bales/h, bale size 600 x 500 x 300 mm, max. nest size 500 x 400 mm, trough length 5,400 mm, trough widths 1,200 mm, drive power per channel 22.0 kW, note: technical usability 98%, plant in technically perfect condition, plant equipped with optical temperature measurement for recording all BDE data for each bale, large spare parts package, accessories: rotary table unpacking station
- 42579 Heiligenhaus, Grubenstraße 13 - 15/ Formerei/ Schmelzbetrieb
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