Parte de la subasta Operating and office equipment, current assets and fleet of a printing company

CTP plant Amsky

Trading #17402-143

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Año de construcción



Consisting of: Autoloader, type AL 1250A, SN AL1404003, power 1.500 W, weight 420 kg, fully automatic imagesetter, type Aurora U848, SN 700810141, power 3.000 W, weight 1.200 kg, resolution 2.400 dpi, min plate size 400 x 300 mm, max plate size 1.130 x 900 mm, PC unit, make Exone, transfer table to the processor, offset processor, make Glunz & Jensen, type EL125T, year 2012, SN 10063847-0023, power 2.900 W, plate delivery table, make Egraf Lineadue, type Spider 4 PAGES, SN 5853/08, year 2008, 230 V


  • 63674 Altenstadt-Waldsiedlung, Eichbaumstraße 17b/ Produktion/ CTP-Raum

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