Laboratory, analysis and R & D equipment from a silicon production in the photovoltaic industry

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  • #13877

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2. trimestre 2017


  • Location: East Germany

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In case of bid acceptance items can be sold immediately.

Following items are put up for sale:
silicon analysing system, F. BRUKER, CryoSAS; infrared measuring system, NEONSEE, BIV-HCSS-21, man. 2012; infrared voltage polariscope, PVA TEPLA, SIRD A300; laser-acoustic measuring system, LAWAVE, 25/V5-3, digital oscilloscope, controller; screen washing unit, SYSTRONIC, CL450EX, man. 2012; wafer scanner, SEMILAB, WT-2000 TVN, man. 2009; roughness measuring device, MAHR, Marsurfe M300; rheometer, ANTON PAAR, MCR502; laboratory microscope, NIKON, Elypse 6x6 Stage LV150; 2 ellipsometers, SENTEC, SE 400 ADV/SE 500 a.m.o.

Furthermore we are selling in package individual laboratory and workshop equipment. Please contact us to get an item list.

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