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1. trimestre 2017
- Bevo Bauelemente
Laizer Weg 19
72505 Krauchenwies (Germany)
Extracto del catálogo
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
In case of bid acceptance the items can be sold immediately.
The following items are put up for sale:
Dust extraction, SCHUKO, Staubfritz, man. 2008; panel sawing machine, GRAUPNER consisting of feeding and cutting table; Exhaust system, ESTA, MHI35.5-56; driven suspension cable crane, HELM, man. 2009; broadband grinding machine, WEBER, OFZ-M2 (0) -1350 mm, man. 1990; vacuum lifting device, support saw, radial drilling machines, a.m.o.
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
In case of bid acceptance the items can be sold immediately.
The following items are put up for sale:
Dust extraction, SCHUKO, Staubfritz, man. 2008; panel sawing machine, GRAUPNER consisting of feeding and cutting table; Exhaust system, ESTA, MHI35.5-56; driven suspension cable crane, HELM, man. 2009; broadband grinding machine, WEBER, OFZ-M2 (0) -1350 mm, man. 1990; vacuum lifting device, support saw, radial drilling machines, a.m.o.
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Actualización en 15s
Lijadora de banda ancha Weber OFZ-M2 (0) -1350 mm
72505 Krauchenwies/Laizerweg 19
17/01/2017, 09:05
4 Ofertas
Sistema de extracción Esta MHI35,5-56
72505 Krauchenwies/Laizerweg 19
17/01/2017, 09:30
8 Ofertas
Sierra de apoyo Graupner
72505 Krauchenwies/Laizerweg 19
15/02/2017, 09:00
1 Ofertas
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