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- PRIMITUS, d.o.o. in insolvency
Gorkiceva ulica 9
SL- 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Extracto del catálogo
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit at
The reception of the offer will be awarded with reservation until the approval of Slovenian Bankruptcy Court!
Please note: Separate auction rules exist for this auction. These can be found under "Conditions".
The following items are put up for auction:
Booklet Production with collection stations, BOURG, BDF bst 10- D; duplex cutsheet production printer,OCE, VarioPrint 6160; book binding machine, HORIZON, BQ-270; numbering & perforating machine, ROLEMM, Auto 4 a.m.o.
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit at
The reception of the offer will be awarded with reservation until the approval of Slovenian Bankruptcy Court!
Please note: Separate auction rules exist for this auction. These can be found under "Conditions".
The following items are put up for auction:
Booklet Production with collection stations, BOURG, BDF bst 10- D; duplex cutsheet production printer,OCE, VarioPrint 6160; book binding machine, HORIZON, BQ-270; numbering & perforating machine, ROLEMM, Auto 4 a.m.o.
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Actualización en 15s
folding machine Horizon PF-P330
Ljubljana, Slowenien
14/09/2023, 09:09
1 Ofertas
Book binding machine Horizon BQ-270
Ljubljana, Slowenien
14/09/2023, 09:15
3 Ofertas
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