- Producto
- Inductotherm Heating & Welding Limited (Basingstok
- Modelo
- Induction inverter Radyne 700TF22H
- Año de construcción
- 2014
- Descripción
- Radyne model 700TF22H Induction Inverter – 2000V is having maximum output power of 700kW (for a 380V, 6/12 Pulse supply) and operating in the frequency range 18-24kHz. The inverter consist of a 3 bay cabinet, designed to contain the additional inverter modules and the inline mains filters (to provide a lower overall height) fitted internally. The inverter is designed to operate on a 6 or 12 pulse supply as discussed during our meeting; this involves provision of an additional rectifier, breaker, choke and fuses. The TF system is designed to provide the required power (within operating limits) into the correctly matched load at a given frequency and to adjust the power output by following the natural load impedance curve of the circuit, this maintains the input power factor as a constant over the working range of the unit. The adjustment in frequency relative to power is dependent on the load Q factor of the circuit
- Orden de venta:
- NetBid Industrie-Auktionen AG
*** Terminada *** Inductotherm Heating & Welding Limited (Basingstok Induction inverter Radyne 700TF22H RADYNE MODEL 700TF22H INDUCTION INVERTER
AtrásFormatos Oferta
Trading Standard- Cierre:
- 15/04/2018
15:00 - Ofertas existentes:
- 0 Pujas
- Estado
- Venta Cerrada
- Número de oferta:
- X14441-1
- Comisión
- %
Número de oferta: X14441-1
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* La Pujas superiores a € 5.000 se aceptarán tan solo cuando se acompañen de un Certificado Bancario (que será aplicable a futuras subastas).