- Producto
- Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH
- Modelo
- Año de construcción
- 2005
- Descripción
- Not a long time ago one of the biggest Ukrainian client (huge manufacturing company) went bankrupt and some of mortgaged equipment became ours (Biggest govern Bank). Equipment was in use from 2005 till 2011. The price at least 1.5 times lower then market one. There is several position we also have to sell, the buyer of all equipment will have the discount. Optical emission spectrometer made by Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH Co.KG, Germany in order to analyze metals Technical characteristics Multi-Optic Optical system Paschen Runge scheme Rowland circle with a focal distance of 750 mm (400 mm optional optics ) Stabilized against temperature differences Range of 120 – 780-nm long waves Patented SPECTRO UV - PLUS system with gas filling forlong waves < 200 nm with automatic cleaning Light way which is blown by argon Holographic grates: 3600 streaks/mm, 2924 streaks/mm and 2400 streaks/mm Material of grates : Zerodur Reverse dispersion: Basic optics: 3600 streaks/mm - 0,37 nm/mm (1st order) 2924 streaks/mm is a 0,46/ 0,23 nm/mm (1st/ 2nd order) Optional optics: 2400 streaks/mm - 1.04 nm/mm (1st order)
- Orden de venta:
- NetBid Industrie-Auktionen AG
*** Terminada *** Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH SPECTROMAXx SPECTROMAXx Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH
AtrásFormatos Oferta
Trading Standard- Cierre:
- 05/08/2020
8:00 - Ofertas existentes:
- 0 Pujas
- Estado
- Venta Cerrada
- Número de oferta:
- X15731-6
- Comisión
- 18,00%
SPECTROMAXx Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH
Número de oferta: X15731-6
Usted debe haber iniciado la sesión para poder ultilizar esta función.
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* La puja y el limite se consideran mas comision e IVA.
No se realiza ninguna entrega. En su cálculo, por favor, considere los gastos adicionales para el desmantelamiento, transporte, seguro, etc.
* La Pujas superiores a € 5.000 se aceptarán tan solo cuando se acompañen de un Certificado Bancario (que será aplicable a futuras subastas).
Detalles SPECTROMAXx Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH