Viewing: Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
Online bidding is possible immediately.
1 item is put up for auction:
Dredger, IHC BEAVER, 5020 C, man. 2007, Croatian Register of Shipping Reg. No. 15936, yard number: 02429, length (OA): 39.1 m, length (BP): 27.5 m, width: 9.5 m, depth: 2.46 m, cutter power: 170 kW, total power: 1.115 kW, dredging depth: 20 m, suction pipe diameter: 0.5 m, gross tonnage 124, hull material: steel
For questions or scheduling a viewing appointment you can contact
Mr Ales Weiksler, (German, English, Slovenian and Serbian speaking)
Tel. +43 660 3799375
any time.
Número de oferta: 13269
3. trimestre 2017
Formatos Oferta
Proyectos OnlineOn behalf of the entitled party we are selling online against highest bid the well-maintained dredger of the company Luka Ploce Gradnja, Lucka cesta b.b.
3. trimestre 2017
Usted debe haber iniciado la sesión para poder ultilizar esta función.
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