Clearing: We still have remaining stock!
In case of bid acceptance items can be sold immediately.
The following items are put up for sale:
Hose crimper, UNIFLEX, HM 225.2B-MVA, man. 2013; Stainless steel double sink, BAST, man. 2013; Basin for leak test, Sink,
Insolvency sale - specialist of fluid systems
Número de oferta: 13597
Septiembre 2016
Formatos Oferta
Proyectos OnlineOn behalf of the insolvency administrator we are selling online against highest bid the remaining positions of the company Sideo Contec GmbH (specialist of fluid systems).
Septiembre 2016
Usted debe haber iniciado la sesión para poder ultilizar esta función.
Acordar visita
Nils Brinkmann Tel. (49) 040 35 50 59-190