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Fecha de subasta
2. trimestre 2017
- Heckert Solar GmbH
Carl-von-Bach-Str. 11
09116 Chemnitz (Germany)
Extracto del catálogo
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
In case of bid acceptance items can be sold immediately.
The following items are put up for sale:
Stringer 3, Mondragon TS 1200; Stringer 4, Mondragon TS 1200; 1-K dosing facility, Buxtrup glass washing facility vertical
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
In case of bid acceptance items can be sold immediately.
The following items are put up for sale:
Stringer 3, Mondragon TS 1200; Stringer 4, Mondragon TS 1200; 1-K dosing facility, Buxtrup glass washing facility vertical
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