Venta de Insolvencia

Business equipment and garden-landscape supplies of an agricultural company


Business equipment and garden-landscape supplies of an agricultural company
Schiefer Agrar GmbH
Fürchtegott-Gellert-Straße 4
74193 Schweigern, Germany

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Business equipment and garden-landscape supplies of an agricultural company

Business equipment and garden-landscape supplies of an agricultural company

Número de oferta: 17946

cierra 11/10/2024

Cierre: 15:00

    Formatos Oferta

    Proyectos Online

    On behalf of the insolvency administrator, we are selling online against the highest bid the vacant storage, garden and landscape supplies from the agricultural sector.

    Fecha: viernes, 11 de octubre de 2024
    Cierre: 15:00

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    1 Blockposition Geschäftsausstattung und Garten-Landschafts-Bedarf einer Agrarfirma

    EUR 2.000

    cierra 11/10/2024
    a las 15:00
    (0 Pujas)

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