Onderdeel van de veiling Machines voor het vervaardigen van geschuimde en geïnjecteerde (reserve)onderdelen voor de automobielsector
10 shelf racks Bito
Veiling #14005-943
Deze veiling is beëindigd.
plug-type, incl.: 5 posts, approx. 2,200 x 620 mm, 20 shelf boards, approx. 1,300 x 600 mm, all units w/o content, shelf rack, make Bito, incl.: 3 posts, approx. 2,000 x 600 mm, 8 shelf boards, compartment load 100 kg, compartment shelf 1,000 x 600 mm, make Bito, w/o content, 1 lot compartment shelves f. diff. shelf types, make Bito and others, approx. 24 compartment shelves, diff. designs, dismantled
- 52511 Geilenkirchen, Am Forsthaus 49/ Werk 2/ Montagehalle
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