Machines voor de gereedschapsbouw

  • Online Na Verkoop
  • #15172

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3e kwartaal 2020


  • Reißfelder Werkzeugbau GmbH
    Im Wiesental 16
    75031 Eppingen (Duitsland)


Monday, 27 April 2020 from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Monday, 04 May to Wednesday, 21 May 2020
Monday to Thursday from 09.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m.
fridays and Wednesday, the 20 May 2020 from 09.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.

Approx. 200 items are put up for auction. These include:
3 CNC machining centers, VICTOR V-CENTER-A130/A110, man. 2013/2014/2015; CNC bed milling machine, AUERBACH, FBE1500HSC, man. 2009; CNC deep hole drilling machine, AUERBACH, IA3TLF, man. 2008; deep hole drilling machine, IXION, TL601, man. 1990; CNC bed milling machine, KEKEISEN, UBF3000/10, man. 2000; surface grinding machine, ELB, Classic D20 SBS-NK, man. 1999; 3 CNC machining centers, FADAL, VMC6030VH1/ VMC4525 / 917-1, man. 2001/2003; CNC bed milling machine, SACHMANN, T10GP, man. 2003; lathe, COLCHESTER, Triumpf 2500 VS, man. 2018; wire EDM machine, +GF+ AGIE CHARMILLES,FI440CCS, man. 2010; start hole drilling machine, +GF+ AGIE CHARMILLES,Drill 11, man. 2007; 4 universal milling machines, DECKEL, FP3/FP4/FP5; 2 pillar drilling machines; radial drilling machine, CSEPEL, FRH-75-2000; screw compressor, RENNER,RS 11, man. 2003; elektric forklift, STILL, R60-40, man. 2005; several workbenches, tool cabinets, tool trolleys, drawer cabinets, clamping devices, tool holders, electrical hand tools, office equipment; etc.

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