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This item is put up for sale:
Inline Celltester, MANZ, ICT 2400, man. 2010, serial-no. 1000393, start up 2010
Modules included:
1. ICT 2400 Inline Cell Tester and Sorter
2. Loading module from Manz Stack Box 100
3. Basic testing unit
a. Detection of geometry
b. MANZ_MES interface for SECS/GEM
4. Option: h.a.l.m-i/V curve measurement
5. EL- measurement
6. Colour measurement
7. Front inspection
8. Backside inspection
9. Cell thickness measurement
10. IR-Shunt measurement
11. Classifying and sorting unit (Master)
a. Classification and sorting in 12 bins (Manz-Box) with automatic discharge
12. Additional sorting module for further 12 bins
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Inline Celltester, MANZ
Št. ponudba: 14159
December 2017
Format ponudb
Spletni projektDue to technology exchange and expansion of production we are selling online against highest bid on behalf of the entitled parties an Inline Celltester, MANZ.
December 2017
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Joachim Mink phone +49 172-7556576, Email: