Spletna Stečaj Dražba

Machines for the production of furniture, various prefabricated furniture and offices

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Machines for the production of furniture, various prefabricated furniture and offices

Machines for the production of furniture, various prefabricated furniture and offices

Št. ponudba: 14885

Zaključek: 22. 03. 2019

Začetek: 10:00

    Format ponudb

    Spletni projekt

    On behalf of the insolvency administrator we are auctioning online against highest bid well-maintained machines for the production of furniture, various finished furniture and offices of the company PEGO - Sportartikelhandel GmbH.

    Datum: petek, 22. marec 2019
    Začetek: 10:00

    Pokaži več fotografij te dražbe


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    Prosimo navedite, kako naj vas kontaktiramo.
    • Podrobnosti

      Subject to prior sale!

      Tuesday, 12th March 2019 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

      Wednesday, 27th March 2019 from 8:00 a.m. (there is only this appointment)

      Special conditions: No cash accepted at site!!

      Online bidding is possible immediately.

    • Kontaktna oseba

      Nils Brinkmann Tel. (49) 040 35 50 59-190, Email: brinkmann@netbid.com

    Posamezne pozicije k naročilu (1)

    • Posamezne pozicije skupaj (1)

    Osnovna sredstva po seznamu "Katalog Pego-Sportartikel GmbH" od 07.03.2019

    66359 Bous, Saarbrücker Straße 192
    Št. dražbe : X14885-1000

    Zaključek: 14. 03. 2019
    ob 14:00
    (1 ponudba )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi