Spletna Stečaj Dražba

Operating and business equipment of a riding stable

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Operating and business equipment of a riding stable

Operating and business equipment of a riding stable

Št. ponudba: 17144

Zaključek: 21. 11. 2023

Začetek: 10:00

    Format ponudb

    Spletni projekt

    On behalf of the insolvency administrator we are auctioning online against highest bid the operating and business equipment of a riding club.

    Datum: torek, 21. november 2023
    Začetek: 10:00

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    • Podrobnosti

      Monday, 20 November 2023 from 10.00 - 11.30 a.m. only after prior registration at preisner@netbid.com

      Monday, 27 November 2023 from 09.30 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.

      Online bidding is possible immediately.

      The following items are put up for auction:
      Narrow-gauge tractor, SAME, Solaris; gastronomy equipment, KONWAY, as good as new, man. 2023; beverage cooling cell, CELLTHERM, man. 2021; jumping course facility, construction fences, flat roller, outdoor seating, stainless steel counter system, man. 2021 a.m.o.

    • Kontaktna oseba

      Michael Preisner, Tel. +49 (0)172 - 889 41 11, Email: preisner@netbid.com

    Posamezne pozicije k naročilu (5)

    • Posamezne pozicije skupaj (5)

    Jumping course facility

    66539 Neunkirchen, Beim Wallratsroth 15/ Außenbereich
    Št. dražbe : X17144-1

    Zaključek: 21. 11. 2023
    ob 10:00
    (1 ponudba )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi

    Bar system (serving counter)

    66539 Neunkirchen, Beim Wallratsroth 15/ Gaststätte
    Št. dražbe : X17144-9

    Zaključek: 21. 11. 2023
    ob 10:05
    (1 ponudba )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi

    Schäfer AS PP Riding track planning roller

    66539 Neunkirchen, Beim Wallratsroth 15/ Außenbereich/ hinter Vereinsheim
    Št. dražbe : X17144-12/1

    Zaključek: 21. 11. 2023
    ob 10:10
    (27 Ponudbe )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi

    Konway Catering equipment

    66539 Neunkirchen, Beim Wallratsroth 15/ Gaststätte
    Št. dražbe : X17144-19

    Zaključek: 21. 11. 2023
    ob 10:11
    (1 ponudba )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi

    Celltherm Beverage cold room

    66539 Neunkirchen, Beim Wallratsroth 15/ Gaststätte
    Št. dražbe : X17144-7

    Zaključek: 21. 11. 2023
    ob 10:26
    (6 Ponudbe )
    prodano / prodano na dražbi