Ta dražba je zaključena.
Termin dražbe
2nd quarter 2017
- Location: East Germany
Izvleček kataloga
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
In case of bid acceptance items can be sold immediately.
Following items are put up for sale:
silicon analysing system, F. BRUKER, CryoSAS; infrared measuring system, NEONSEE, BIV-HCSS-21, man. 2012; infrared voltage polariscope, PVA TEPLA, SIRD A300; laser-acoustic measuring system, LAWAVE, 25/V5-3, digital oscilloscope, controller; screen washing unit, SYSTRONIC, CL450EX, man. 2012; wafer scanner, SEMILAB, WT-2000 TVN, man. 2009; roughness measuring device, MAHR, Marsurfe M300; rheometer, ANTON PAAR, MCR502; laboratory microscope, NIKON, Elypse 6x6 Stage LV150; 2 ellipsometers, SENTEC, SE 400 ADV/SE 500 a.m.o.
Furthermore we are selling in package individual laboratory and workshop equipment. Please contact us to get an item list.
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
In case of bid acceptance items can be sold immediately.
Following items are put up for sale:
silicon analysing system, F. BRUKER, CryoSAS; infrared measuring system, NEONSEE, BIV-HCSS-21, man. 2012; infrared voltage polariscope, PVA TEPLA, SIRD A300; laser-acoustic measuring system, LAWAVE, 25/V5-3, digital oscilloscope, controller; screen washing unit, SYSTRONIC, CL450EX, man. 2012; wafer scanner, SEMILAB, WT-2000 TVN, man. 2009; roughness measuring device, MAHR, Marsurfe M300; rheometer, ANTON PAAR, MCR502; laboratory microscope, NIKON, Elypse 6x6 Stage LV150; 2 ellipsometers, SENTEC, SE 400 ADV/SE 500 a.m.o.
Furthermore we are selling in package individual laboratory and workshop equipment. Please contact us to get an item list.
Deli te strani so strojno prevedeni. Velja nemško izvirno besedilo.
Osvežitev v 15s
Waferpolieranlage FLP FLP 600/3
Raum Thüringen
23. 02. 2017, 13:00
3 ponudb
Waferpolieranlage FLP FLP 600/3
Raum Thüringen
23. 02. 2017, 13:00
3 ponudb
Waferpolieranlage FLP FLP 600/3
Raum Thüringen
23. 02. 2017, 13:00
3 ponudb
Beleuchtungseinheit Dedocool
Raum Thüringen
26. 05. 2017, 12:00
2 ponudb
Labormikroskop Nikon Elypse 6x6 Stage LV150
Raum Thüringen
26. 05. 2017, 12:00
2 ponudb
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