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4. 01. 2017
- Pesti út 33
2700 Cegléd (Hungary)
Izvleček kataloga
Viewing is possible at any time. Please register at bugovits@netbid.com
Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following item is put up for auction:
Wire cut machining center, GF AgieCharmilles, CUT 300 SP, man. 2014, serial no.: 591.063.002.0049, X-, Y-, Z-travel: 550 x 350 x 400 mm, U-, V- working range: 550 x 350 mm, weight: 2850 kg, voltage: 3X400 V, power: 12 kVA
The unit is switched off, dismantled, picked up, transported and stored according manufacturer instructions by approved staff under close supervision of NetBid. The machining centre is in 100% condition overall.
We organize customs clearance and transport on request.
For questions or scheduling a viewing appointment you can contact
Mr Attila Bugovits, (Hungarian and English)
Tel. +36 2041 65455
any time.
Viewing is possible at any time. Please register at bugovits@netbid.com
Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following item is put up for auction:
Wire cut machining center, GF AgieCharmilles, CUT 300 SP, man. 2014, serial no.: 591.063.002.0049, X-, Y-, Z-travel: 550 x 350 x 400 mm, U-, V- working range: 550 x 350 mm, weight: 2850 kg, voltage: 3X400 V, power: 12 kVA
The unit is switched off, dismantled, picked up, transported and stored according manufacturer instructions by approved staff under close supervision of NetBid. The machining centre is in 100% condition overall.
We organize customs clearance and transport on request.
For questions or scheduling a viewing appointment you can contact
Mr Attila Bugovits, (Hungarian and English)
Tel. +36 2041 65455
any time.
Deli te strani so strojno prevedeni. Velja nemško izvirno besedilo.
Osvežitev v 15s
Stroj za erozijo žice z visoko hitrostjo GF Agie Charmilles CUT 300 SP
2700 Cegléd, Hungary
03. 02. 2017, 07:54
1 ponudb
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