automatic line for the production of rolls

  • Dražba
  • #14319

Deli z

Ta dražba je zaključena.


Termin dražbe

29. 01. 2018


  • DINO-PEK d.o.o. – in insolvency
    Location: Slovenia

Izvleček kataloga

Viewing is possible at any time. Please register at

Online bidding is possible immediately.

The following item is put up for auction:
automatic line for the production of rolled bakery products SRB 150, with filling and bending, capacities from 1,000 to 1,200 kg per hour (capacity 250 kg of dough) with mixer HM250.

The reception of the offer will be awarded with reservation until the approval of Slovenian Bankruptcy Court!

For questions or scheduling a viewing appointment you can contact

Mr. Ales Weiksler, (German, English, Slovenian und Serbian)
Tel. +386 40 515 140

any time.

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