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1. cetrtletje 2018
- 19258 Gallin/Valluhn(Germany)
Izvleček kataloga
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
In case of bid acceptance the items can be sold immediately.
1 lot of industrial trucks is put up for sale, consisting of:
3 Electric reach trucks, JUNGHEINRICH, ETV 214-902, man. 2008/2009; 2 Electric pedestrian pallet trucks, JUNGHEINRICH, ECE 220, man. 2008; 2 Electric powered pallet trucks, JUNGHEINRICH, ERE 225, man. 2008/2009
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
In case of bid acceptance the items can be sold immediately.
1 lot of industrial trucks is put up for sale, consisting of:
3 Electric reach trucks, JUNGHEINRICH, ETV 214-902, man. 2008/2009; 2 Electric pedestrian pallet trucks, JUNGHEINRICH, ECE 220, man. 2008; 2 Electric powered pallet trucks, JUNGHEINRICH, ERE 225, man. 2008/2009
Deli te strani so strojno prevedeni. Velja nemško izvirno besedilo.
Osvežitev v 15s
Postavka Industrijski tovornjaki
19258 Gallin/Valluhn (Germany)
01. 02. 2018, 13:00
6 ponudb
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