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2nd quarter 2018
- ul. Przestrzenna 7/11
70800 Szczecin (Poland)
Izvleček kataloga
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
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The following item is put up for auction:
Sea-going sailing yacht s / y POLONEZ, POL-72, construction year: 1971, overall length: 13.8 m, width: 3.8 m, draft: 2.2 m, rigging: ketch, bermuda rig, surface of the rig: 74 sq m, displacement: 15 tons, engine: Volvo - Penta MD22, 50HP, sailing area: unlimited, crew: 8 people.
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit.
Online bidding is possible immediately!
The following item is put up for auction:
Sea-going sailing yacht s / y POLONEZ, POL-72, construction year: 1971, overall length: 13.8 m, width: 3.8 m, draft: 2.2 m, rigging: ketch, bermuda rig, surface of the rig: 74 sq m, displacement: 15 tons, engine: Volvo - Penta MD22, 50HP, sailing area: unlimited, crew: 8 people.
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