Welding electrodes, Welding units and Trucks

  • Preostali Prodaji
  • #14450

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Ta dražba je zaključena.


Termin dražbe

Julij 2018


  • 86695 Nordendorf (Germany)

Izvleček kataloga

After having agreed a binding appointment.
All welding units can be sent within Germany

In case of bid acceptance item can be sold immediately.

The following items are put up for auction:
Truck, SCANIA, R410 LA4x2 MEB; Truck, SCANIA, R420 LA4x2 MEB; Trailer, KRONE, SDP 27 ELG3-CS; Welding electrodes, OERLIKON, Welding units, Welding units, MIGATRONIC a.m.o.

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Osvežitev v 15s

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