machines, machine equipment and technological equipment

  • Dražba
  • #14519

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Ta dražba je zaključena.


Termin dražbe

27. 06. 2018


  • Elektrokovina PN d.o.o. – in insolvency

    Date: 27.06.2018
    Start: 10:00 a.m.

Izvleček kataloga

Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit at

Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following items are put up for auction:

Assembling line W29; Herman Schwabe, Typ HSU 19, Winding machine with tools; Aumann, Type WPA, Line for testing and analizing with automatic Transport belt; 3R7RA7-0, Line for automatic assembling, 3 winding machines; Aumann, Excentric Press with tools; Sanglacomo; Type T100R CE, Coiling machine; SIPRO, a.m.o.

PLEASE NOTE: Separate auction rules exist for this auction:
The reception of the offer will be awarded with reservation until the approval of Slovenian Bankruptcy Court!

If you have questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment for viewing please contact

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