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Termin dražbe
3. četrtletje 2023
- ŠKODA AUTO, a.s.
Tr. Václava Klementa 869
CZ-293 60 Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic)
Izvleček kataloga
Tuesday, 15 August 2023, bus leaves from the parking of shopping centre ALBERT (at the OMV petrol station), address Jicínská 1349, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav at 10:00 a.m..
Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following items are put up for auction:
Crank press, ERFURT, PKZV IV 1250 / 4000 diode laser for soldering, LASERLINE, LDF 5000-100; wave noise tester, LINNENBRICK; diagnostic devices, SIEMENS, VAS50510B high-speed, large-format printer and copier, OCÉ, TDS700 hardware, including Dell servers, hard disk array work tables a.m.o.
Attention – the owner want to have a signed contract with buyer.
Purchase contract
Tuesday, 15 August 2023, bus leaves from the parking of shopping centre ALBERT (at the OMV petrol station), address Jicínská 1349, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav at 10:00 a.m..
Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following items are put up for auction:
Crank press, ERFURT, PKZV IV 1250 / 4000 diode laser for soldering, LASERLINE, LDF 5000-100; wave noise tester, LINNENBRICK; diagnostic devices, SIEMENS, VAS50510B high-speed, large-format printer and copier, OCÉ, TDS700 hardware, including Dell servers, hard disk array work tables a.m.o.
Attention – the owner want to have a signed contract with buyer.
Purchase contract
Deli te strani so strojno prevedeni. Velja nemško izvirno besedilo.
Osvežitev v 15s
Altimeter Digimar Mahr Gmbh CX1/DX1
Mlada Boleslav
17. 08. 2023, 09:03
19 ponudb
Diode Laser for soldering Laserline GmBh LDF 5000-100
Mladá Boleslav
31. 08. 2023, 08:17
1 ponudb
Servers - 104 pcs Dell 2017, 2018, 2019
Mladá Boleslav
31. 08. 2023, 09:59
27 ponudb
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