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Termin dražbe
4. četrtletje 2023
- Location:
63073 Offenbach am Main (Germany)
Izvleček kataloga
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit in advance.
By appointment
Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following item is put up for auction:
Jetstream mixer, HEMMELRATH, Ystral Micro-MoFa BG10-Ex, man. 2014
Viewing is possible at any time. Please schedule your visit in advance.
By appointment
Online bidding is possible immediately.
The following item is put up for auction:
Jetstream mixer, HEMMELRATH, Ystral Micro-MoFa BG10-Ex, man. 2014
Deli te strani so strojno prevedeni. Velja nemško izvirno besedilo.
Osvežitev v 15s
Jet stream mixer (Micro-Mo-Fa) Hemmelrath Ystral Micro-MoFa BG10-Ex
63073 Offenbach, Otto-Scheugenpflug-Str. 2/ Schreinerei
30. 11. 2023, 14:00
1 ponudb
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