Sestavni del dražbe metal working machinery and industrial robots
5x industrijski roboti (MB)
Dražba #13429-860
Ta dražba je zaključena.
Ta blok pozicij vsebuje 5x industrijske robote KUKA - pozicije št. od X13429 -820 do X13429 -824. Podroben opis in slike so na voljo pod posameznimi pozicijami. Roboti so razstavljeni. Upoštevajte vzorec kupoprodajne pogodbe (povezava na prvi strani dražbe).
Opozorilo: Priklic je mogoč pod pogojem, da je najvišja ponudba, dosežena za to postavko, višja od vsote najvišjih ponudb, doseženih za posamezne postavke X13429-820 do X13429-824, ki so vključene v to postavko en bloc. Demontažo in nakladanje lahko na lokaciji družbe Škoda Auto SA izvajajo samo podjetja, ki imajo certifikat družbe ŠKODA Auto, a.s., ali pooblaščena podjetja. Pozor - prodajo mora odobriti družba ŠKODA Auto, a.s.. Prodaja je mogoča samo v EU.
- CZ 293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Pogoji dražbe
1) In case the machinery is to be sold abroad, the machinery must be considered as dual-use items or a relevant license must be obtained resulting in delay in final delivery of the machinery.
2) The buyers from EU-countries will pay a deposit for VAT.
3) Within one year after transfer of proprietary rights to the Buyer, the Buyer is allowed to further sale of the Purchased Goods to third party from any EU Member State only upon written consent of the Seller.
4) The buyer is obliged to discuss possible changes to the purchase agreement with SA, even before the end of the auction.
2) The buyers from EU-countries will pay a deposit for VAT.
3) Within one year after transfer of proprietary rights to the Buyer, the Buyer is allowed to further sale of the Purchased Goods to third party from any EU Member State only upon written consent of the Seller.
4) The buyer is obliged to discuss possible changes to the purchase agreement with SA, even before the end of the auction.
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