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Vehicle-IdentNo. ECR58Y10007, 6.000 kg, abgel. število delovnih ur 3.776, hidravlične cevi, Lehnhoffov priključek, gumijasti gosenski trakovi (20 %), podporni nož, bagerska žlica, delovna širina 800 mm; brez vrtljivega grablja, manjka spodnje vetrobransko steklo
- 78713 Schramberg OT Waldmössingen/ Roter Weg 12
Pogoji dražbe
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ATTENTION: There is no VAT ID no. for this project. Invoices to EU buyers can therefore not be issued net. The value of the goods is subject to VAT at 19%. Our premium at 18% is according to § 6a UStG, § 4, no. 1b, UstG for intra-Community deliveries tax-free.
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