Sestavni del dražbe machinery and equipment

Truck ÖAF Gräf & Stift AG ÖAF 41-502 VFA

Dražba #14653-55

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ÖAF Gräf & Stift AG


ÖAF 41-502 VFA

Leto izdelave



Vehicle identification number: VA0 E 45 A 001 L 011 555
Engine number: 468 7550 020 6321
Power source / Operating mode / Number of cylinders: Dieselengine / 4-stroke / 10
Whole displacement: 18273 cm³
Drive and power transmission: affects the 1., 3. und 4. axis(front drive is disengageable)
Number of gears forward / reverse: 16 / 2

The connecting rods incl. the lifting sysem and the counter weight are not included in the scope of supply.

Vehicle was only used in the factory area for moving work.

The truck is basically approved for the road transport but it is not registered. It was checked in accordance with StVO 2017 (Traffic Regulation) without issuing the inspection plate.


  • Weiz, Österreich

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