Sestavni del dražbe CNC and other metal working machinery
Vertical lathe TOS SKIQ 20
Trgovanje #15288-6
Ta dražba je zaključena.
Leto izdelave
Controlling: Siemens: Sinumerik Siemens 820 T
Max. workpiece diameter: 2200 mm
Max. table height: 1370 mm
Max. work piece height: 1260mm
Z-feed: 1000 mm
Table rotation: I. 1,6-40 II. 6,5-160 rot./Min
Number of positions in the tool change: 15
Max. table load capacity: 20t
X from the centre: 80-1265 mm
Table height from the level: 1045mm
Energy consumption: 93kVA
Space requirement: 4710x3900x5690mm
Total weight: 32,7t
Mechanics of the cross bar have to be replaced. Chip conveyor is leaking.
Operating instructions are available. The machine has been regularly serviced.
Machine data comply with data sheets and are without guarantee!
Max. workpiece diameter: 2200 mm
Max. table height: 1370 mm
Max. work piece height: 1260mm
Z-feed: 1000 mm
Table rotation: I. 1,6-40 II. 6,5-160 rot./Min
Number of positions in the tool change: 15
Max. table load capacity: 20t
X from the centre: 80-1265 mm
Table height from the level: 1045mm
Energy consumption: 93kVA
Space requirement: 4710x3900x5690mm
Total weight: 32,7t
Mechanics of the cross bar have to be replaced. Chip conveyor is leaking.
Operating instructions are available. The machine has been regularly serviced.
Machine data comply with data sheets and are without guarantee!
- Budapest, Ungarn
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