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12 web paper core making machine with multi-knives
Diameter range of the cores: from ø 25 mm to ø 150 mm
Kind of gluing: cascade
Cutter: automatic 5 section
Cutting accurancy: ±0,5mm
Min./Max. cutting length between two next knives: 140-530 mm
The paper core making machine consists of:
Roller feeder (12 rolls);
Cascade gluer with glue heater;
Forming mandrel;
Cutter - knives 5 pcs;
Transporter + receiving table;
Gluer of the last wrapping device
Diameter range of the cores: from ø 25 mm to ø 150 mm
Kind of gluing: cascade
Cutter: automatic 5 section
Cutting accurancy: ±0,5mm
Min./Max. cutting length between two next knives: 140-530 mm
The paper core making machine consists of:
Roller feeder (12 rolls);
Cascade gluer with glue heater;
Forming mandrel;
Cutter - knives 5 pcs;
Transporter + receiving table;
Gluer of the last wrapping device
- Poland, 17-250 Kleszczele
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