Sestavni del dražbe Well-maintained items from a training workshop (construction)

High pressure pump KSB Movichrom N63/51R

Trgovanje #16014-47

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Ta dražba je zaključena.





Movichrom N63/51R


Flow rate = 3 cbm/hour
on trolley
tubular goods

  • Surcharge; sale to tradesmen/ dealers only ! Highest bidder/ auction winner is to that effect requested to submit a copy of business registration within 3 working days, otherwise the award will be deemed cancelled. A warranty / regulation related to this offer is expressly excluded. The Vendor shall also not be liable for claims for damages - irrespective of the legal grounds; this shall not apply, however, to claims for damages arising from grossly negligent or intentional breach of obligations on the part of the Vendor or its vicarious agents or for injury to life, limb and health or essential contractual obligations.

  • net hammer price without VAT; sold is i.A.u.i.V. of an institution under public law (AöR); our premium in the amount of 18% is subject to VAT, as a taxable service.


    • Billwerder Billdeich 622. 21033 Hamburg-Bergedorf; Raum 1207

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