Sestavni del dražbe Food processing machinery
6-component mixing plant, dosing system and packing of packaging into boxes Multipak
Dražba #16651-3
Ta dražba je zaključena.
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Equipment for a 6-component mixing plant with feeding to the container of the packaging machine.
The set of devices is designed to feed the product from six "BigBags" placed on the product platforms to the mixer and to collect the product mixed from the mixer and feed it to the charging hopper of the packaging machine.
Yale electric hoist, type CPV/F, lifting capacity 1T, 6 pcs,
Steel structure,
Transmission installation, 5 small tanks, a platform with a weighed tank 3 large mobile tanks,
A system for dosing and packing "Stick" packages into boxes. The device is designed to pack "Stick" type packages fed by an external packing machine into boxes in packages of 5 or 10 pcs.
Cartoner POLPAK (Multipak), type LPS, No. 9028, year of production 2018,
Box dimensions: 47x90x190 mm or 77x90x190 mm
Capacity up to 70 boxes per minute with a pack of 5 "Sticks"
Nordson glue applicator, type Problue 10, No. SA17F36197,
The set of devices is designed to feed the product from six "BigBags" placed on the product platforms to the mixer and to collect the product mixed from the mixer and feed it to the charging hopper of the packaging machine.
Yale electric hoist, type CPV/F, lifting capacity 1T, 6 pcs,
Steel structure,
Transmission installation, 5 small tanks, a platform with a weighed tank 3 large mobile tanks,
A system for dosing and packing "Stick" packages into boxes. The device is designed to pack "Stick" type packages fed by an external packing machine into boxes in packages of 5 or 10 pcs.
Cartoner POLPAK (Multipak), type LPS, No. 9028, year of production 2018,
Box dimensions: 47x90x190 mm or 77x90x190 mm
Capacity up to 70 boxes per minute with a pack of 5 "Sticks"
Nordson glue applicator, type Problue 10, No. SA17F36197,
- Poland
Pogoji dražbe
The final approval of the offer takes place after its acceptance by the Liquidator.
The Bidder who has received the adjudication under reserve will be bound up with his offer within 21 days.
In the case of payments in Polish Zloty, the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the day of the auction applies.
The Bidder who has received the adjudication under reserve will be bound up with his offer within 21 days.
In the case of payments in Polish Zloty, the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the day of the auction applies.
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