Sestavni del dražbe Machinery for object and store furnishing

40´ office container (later release - pickup only by arrangement)

Dražba #17135-591

Deli z

Ta dražba je zaključena.


segmental construction, outer dimensions approx. L 706 cm, W 391 cm, H 288 cm, longitudinal and front side with insulating glass fixed glazing, glass revolving access door, integr. floor-cassette ceiling construction, outer walls w. div. panel cladding, elevated on double T-beam steel frame, galvanized, w. access stairway, 4 steps, grating floors, sheet steel galvanized, incl. integr. panel cladding, elevated on double T-beam steel frame, galvanized, with access staircase, 4 steps, grating floors, galvanized sheet steel, incl. integrated toilet/WC, with wash hand basin, air-conditioning split system, make CH, Cooper & Hunter, without contents of office equipment


  • 68723 Oftersheim, Gewerbepark, Hartwaldtring 1/ Außenbereich

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