Sestavni del dražbe Workshop/plumbing equipment from the harbour area

Band saw + roller conveyor Kasto bsm U2

Dražba #08267-71

Deli z

Ta dražba je zaključena.





bsm U2

Leto izdelave



incl. 2x roller conveyor
1x length approx.: 2,800 mm
1x length approx.: 2,300 mm

Wear and tear according to age/mileage.

Surcharge subject to reservation. The sum of the highest bids or minimum prices achieved for items no. 08267-59 to 08267-71 must be higher than the highest bid achieved for item no. -100, which contains these items en bloc.
Award; Sale only to traders/dealers!
Highest bidder/auction winner is requested to submit a copy of the business registration within 3 working days, otherwise the award is deemed to be canceled.
Any warranty/regulation in relation to this offer is expressly excluded.
The seller is also not liable for claims for damages - regardless of the legal grounds; however, this does not apply to claims for damages arising from grossly negligent or intentional breach of obligations by the seller or its vicarious agents or for injury to life, limb and health or essential contractual obligations.


  • Harburger Werfthafen, An der Horeburg

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