Sestavni del dražbe Metalworking machines, casting machines for aluminium

Coordinate boring machine MAS Kovosvit BL 5

Dražba #17510-11529

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Ta dražba je zaključena.



MAS Kovosvit


BL 5

Leto izdelave



Very well preserved MAS BL 5 coordinate boring machine with Heindenhein coordinate system.

Rotary table 500 mm.

The reception of the bid will be awarded with reservation until the approval of the entitled party.


  • Mladá Boleslav

Pogoji dražbe

Please note:
1) In case the machinery is to be sold abroad, the machinery must be considered as dual-use items or a relevant license must be obtained resulting in delay in final delivery of the machinery.
2) The buyers from EU-countries will pay a deposit for VAT.
3) Within one year after transfer of proprietary rights to the Buyer, the Buyer is allowed to further sale of the Purchased Goods to third party only upon written consent of the Seller.
4) The buyer is obliged to discuss possible changes to the purchase agreement with SA, even before the end of the auction.
5) The reception of the offer will be awarded with reservation until the approval of the entitled party!

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