Sestavni del dražbe Well-maintained construction machinery

Collective item

Dražba #17423-101

Deli z

Ta dražba je zaključena.


consisting of the following items:
5 construction doors; 1 aluminum rolling scaffold; 1 aluminum rolling scaffold; 1 aluminum rolling scaffold; 2 construction site connection distribution power boxes; 1 vibrating bottle; 1 vibrating bottle; 1 circular construction saw; 10 electric hand tools; 3 concrete lifting tongs for concrete slabs; 1 item of mains/power extension cables; 1 electric tiller; 1 submersible pump; 1 crosscut/miter saw; 5 construction fence panels; 1 hand-operated sweeper; 1 industrial vacuum cleaner; 3 nut boxes; 1 mobile halogen construction site spotlight; 1 mobile propane gas heater; 2 hand pressure pumps; 2 3-legged tripods; 2 cable drums

Further photos are available on request.


  • 71634 Ludwigsburg, Dornierstr. 6/ Bauhof

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