Ta dražba je zaključena.
KGV 5000
Leto izdelave
type KGV 5000,
factory number 07.0.0599,
capacity: 7,500 rolls/h,
KOENIG REX Automatic dividing machine
production number 03.0.4067
factory number 07.0.0599,
capacity: 7,500 rolls/h,
KOENIG REX Automatic dividing machine
production number 03.0.4067
- Poland
Pogoji dražbe
The final approval of the offer takes place after its acceptance by the insolvency administrator.
The Bidder who has received the adjudication under reserve will be bound up with his offer within 21 days.
At this auction, payment for machines is only possible in Polish Zloty with the rate of exchange of the National Bank of Poland from the auction day.
The Bidder who has received the adjudication under reserve will be bound up with his offer within 21 days.
At this auction, payment for machines is only possible in Polish Zloty with the rate of exchange of the National Bank of Poland from the auction day.
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