This auction has ended.
Auction Date
Fourth quarter 2022
- Raab, Alexander, Inh. der Schreinerei Raab & Holzmann
Großgeschaidt 30
90562 Heroldsberg (Germany)
Catalog Excerpt
Special conditions: No cash accepted at site. Individual knock-downs under resservation.
Online bidding will be possible soon.
Approximately 150 items are put up for auction. These include:
CNC woodworking center, MASTERWOOD, TF100 2.0 Partnership Edition Speedy II, man. 2019; edge banding machine, HOLZ-HER, Auriga 1308XL, man. 2014; panel saw, FORMAT 4, Kappa 550, man. 2017; dry bulkhead, EUGEN FUCHSBERGER, TH-2215VA, man. 2020; wide belt sander, BÜTFERING, Classik 111-E, man. 1998; four side planer, WEINIG, Profimat 22N, man. 1991; swivel spindle milling machine, MARTIN, T25, man. 1984; veneer press, OTT; panel saw, STRIEBIG; long belt and edge grinding machines; milling and planing machines; large lot hand machines, i.a. HILTI u. FESTOOL; workshop equipment; car/convertible, AUDI, A5 Cabrio Sport 45 TFSI Quattro S-Line, initial reg. 05/19; transporter, FORD, Transit FT310 Pritsche/Plane 2,2 TDCi, initial reg. 06/15; a.m.o.
Online bidding will be possible soon.
Approximately 150 items are put up for auction. These include:
CNC woodworking center, MASTERWOOD, TF100 2.0 Partnership Edition Speedy II, man. 2019; edge banding machine, HOLZ-HER, Auriga 1308XL, man. 2014; panel saw, FORMAT 4, Kappa 550, man. 2017; dry bulkhead, EUGEN FUCHSBERGER, TH-2215VA, man. 2020; wide belt sander, BÜTFERING, Classik 111-E, man. 1998; four side planer, WEINIG, Profimat 22N, man. 1991; swivel spindle milling machine, MARTIN, T25, man. 1984; veneer press, OTT; panel saw, STRIEBIG; long belt and edge grinding machines; milling and planing machines; large lot hand machines, i.a. HILTI u. FESTOOL; workshop equipment; car/convertible, AUDI, A5 Cabrio Sport 45 TFSI Quattro S-Line, initial reg. 05/19; transporter, FORD, Transit FT310 Pritsche/Plane 2,2 TDCi, initial reg. 06/15; a.m.o.
Parts of this page have been machine translated. The German original text applies.
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Transporter (award subject to reservation pursuant to § 168 InsO.) Ford Transit FT 310 Pritsche 2,2 TDCi
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ Fuhrpark
06/12/2022, 10:00 PM
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Passenger car Audi A5 Cabrio Sport 45 TFSI Quattro S-Line
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ Fuhrpark
06/13/2022, 08:00 AM
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CNC woodworking center Masterwood TF100 2.0 Partnership Edition Speedy II
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ EG/ Schreinerei
07/12/2022, 10:08 AM
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CNC woodworking center Masterwood TF100 2.0 Partnership Edition Speedy II
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ EG/ Schreinerei
07/12/2022, 10:08 AM
1 Bids
Edge banding machine Holz-Her Auriga 1308 XL
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ EG/ Schreinerei
07/12/2022, 10:08 AM
1 Bids
Veneer press Ott
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ EG/ Schreinerei
07/12/2022, 10:08 AM
1 Bids
Circular saw Format 4 Kappa 550
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ EG/ Schreinerei
07/12/2022, 10:08 AM
1 Bids
Wide belt sander Bütfering Classik 111-E
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ EG/ Schreinerei
07/12/2022, 10:08 AM
1 Bids
1 Posten Screw clamps and servants
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ EG/ Schreinerei
07/12/2022, 10:08 AM
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Milling machine Martin T25
90562 Heroldsberg, Großgeschaldt 30/ EG/ Schreinerei
07/12/2022, 10:08 AM
1 Bids
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