This auction has ended.
Auction Date
Fourth quarter 2024
- Across Barriers GmbH
Science Park 1
66123 Saarbrücken
Catalog Excerpt
Tuesday, 12 November and Wednesday, 13 November 2024 from 09.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.
The collection dates must be strictly adhered to, as there are no alternative dates and the items not collected will be disposed of by the landlord at the buyer´s expense.
Special conditions: No cash payment possible on site!
Online bidding is possible immediately.
About 180 items are put up for auction, including:
3 x chromatography system, WATERS, man. 2018; pure water system, ELGA, Purelab Flex 2, man. 2019; analytical balance, METTLER-TOLEDO, MS 204 TS, man. 2023; Multiuplaidreader, HIDEX, 425-311; Drying cabinet, HEREAUS, UT 12; Climate chamber/incubator, MMM, Climacell 707; Spectrophotometer, UNICAM, UV 500; Stereo microscope, LEICA, DMIL; Cryolipolysis device, MBA, Cryolipolysis CW4; Treatment couch, SOLENI, gamma, man. 2015; evaporator/rotary evaporator, GeneVac, EZ-2; gas chromatograph, AGILENT, HP 6890 N; layer thickness measuring device, ERAY; 8 x steel office cabinet, COMSAFE, type Office 3 S2 Fire Premium, man. 2017; 2 x steel office cabinet, FORMAT, type Paper Star 5, man. 2022, HM8001-2; 6 x fire protection safe/ data security cabinet, FORMAT, type Paper Star 6, man. 2022; office inventory, pipettes, inventories, storage equipment, laboratory equipment, workshop equipment, IT, a.m.o.
Tuesday, 12 November and Wednesday, 13 November 2024 from 09.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.
The collection dates must be strictly adhered to, as there are no alternative dates and the items not collected will be disposed of by the landlord at the buyer´s expense.
Special conditions: No cash payment possible on site!
Online bidding is possible immediately.
About 180 items are put up for auction, including:
3 x chromatography system, WATERS, man. 2018; pure water system, ELGA, Purelab Flex 2, man. 2019; analytical balance, METTLER-TOLEDO, MS 204 TS, man. 2023; Multiuplaidreader, HIDEX, 425-311; Drying cabinet, HEREAUS, UT 12; Climate chamber/incubator, MMM, Climacell 707; Spectrophotometer, UNICAM, UV 500; Stereo microscope, LEICA, DMIL; Cryolipolysis device, MBA, Cryolipolysis CW4; Treatment couch, SOLENI, gamma, man. 2015; evaporator/rotary evaporator, GeneVac, EZ-2; gas chromatograph, AGILENT, HP 6890 N; layer thickness measuring device, ERAY; 8 x steel office cabinet, COMSAFE, type Office 3 S2 Fire Premium, man. 2017; 2 x steel office cabinet, FORMAT, type Paper Star 5, man. 2022, HM8001-2; 6 x fire protection safe/ data security cabinet, FORMAT, type Paper Star 6, man. 2022; office inventory, pipettes, inventories, storage equipment, laboratory equipment, workshop equipment, IT, a.m.o.
Parts of this page have been machine translated. The German original text applies.
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