Part of the Auction Zentralen Vordruckstelle des Bezirksamtes Hamburg Mitte, <br>Fachamt Interner Service
Slide door cabinet with printer`s material
Auction #13557-32
This auction has ended.
metall, 2-doors, W/D 1.300 x 50 mm, H 1.110 mm, content: var. colours/ washing materiall f. Heidelberger printing machines.
If item is sold within Germany there will be charged no tax referring net price because mandator is institution under public law.
On surcharge at height of 18% there will be charged tax at height of 19%.
On surcharge at height of 18% there will be charged tax at height of 19%.
- 20355 Hamburg, St. Petersburger Str. 28/ 1. OG/ Flur
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