Part of the Auction Laboratory technology and a mobile racking system
HPLC - GC/ MS Autosampler; block lot Pos. Nr. #105 sowie #106 Agilent, Perkin diverse
Auction #12954-Z003 (12954-107)
This auction has ended.
Product Type
Agilent, Perkin
consisting :
Sampler Hip-ALS SL G1367C
Sampler thermosthat FC/ALS G1330B
column oven TCC SL G1316B
DAD 1290 G4212A
FLD 1260 G1321B
degassing unit G1379B
dual pump SL G1312B
well tended system, directly from drinking water laboratory.
Agilent MSD 5973N, purchased in 2003
Agilent GC 6890N, purchased in 2003
Perkin Elmer Headspace Autosampler: Turbomatrix 110 Trap, purchased in 2005
System has been used for abalytics of water testing and has been yearly maintened by Parker and Agilent.Because for protection of privacy system won t be offered with lead computer. Chemstation-Version D.00.00 is incl, but mainboard has been changed in 2017, until this date item ran with Chemstation-Version E.02.00. Control with older software can t be ensured. Beside this system is ully ready to work. Well tended system, directly from drinking water laboratory.
Knockdown under reserve, result/ highest bid for this block –lot must be higher tha sum of result/ highest bids for pos. No. #105 + #106.
Sampler thermosthat FC/ALS G1330B
column oven TCC SL G1316B
DAD 1290 G4212A
FLD 1260 G1321B
degassing unit G1379B
dual pump SL G1312B
well tended system, directly from drinking water laboratory.
Agilent MSD 5973N, purchased in 2003
Agilent GC 6890N, purchased in 2003
Perkin Elmer Headspace Autosampler: Turbomatrix 110 Trap, purchased in 2005
System has been used for abalytics of water testing and has been yearly maintened by Parker and Agilent.Because for protection of privacy system won t be offered with lead computer. Chemstation-Version D.00.00 is incl, but mainboard has been changed in 2017, until this date item ran with Chemstation-Version E.02.00. Control with older software can t be ensured. Beside this system is ully ready to work. Well tended system, directly from drinking water laboratory.
Knockdown under reserve, result/ highest bid for this block –lot must be higher tha sum of result/ highest bids for pos. No. #105 + #106.
- Hamburg
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