Part of the Auction Power tools and machine parts warehouse

Strom- und Steuerschrank für den Palettierer

Auction #17269-93

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Construction Year



Schwarze Sicherung/Unterbrecher, 1 Stück,
Schneider LCD32 BD, 1 Stück,
Omron G9SE-101, Stk. 1,
Omron Sysmac CP1L, 1 Stück,
Omron 40EDR, Stk. 1,
Omron DA041, Stk. 1,
Schwarzes Gerät, Stk. 1,
Schneider GV2ME04AP, 2 Stück,
Schneider IC60 N C 6A, 1 Stück,
Schneider IC60 N B 16A, 1 Stück,
Schneider IC60 N C 10A, 4 Stück,
Schneider IC60 N C 2A, 3 Stück,
Braune Schütze, 4 Stück,
Danfoss Mci 3 037N0074, 1 Stück,
Schneider LP1K06 01BD, 1 Stück,
Relais G7SA-5A1B-24VDC G7SA-5A1B DC24V OMRON, 4,
Relais, 3 Stück,
Relais, 2 Stück,
Delta Lyte 120W CM-2, 1 Stück,
Yaskawa V 100, 2 Stück,
Yaskawa V 101, Stk. 1,
Eaton Aufputzdose, 1 Stück,
Relais, Stk. 65,


  • Poland



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Auction Terms

The final approval of the offer takes place after its acceptance by the insolvency administrator.

The Bidder who has received the adjudication under reserve will be bound up with his offer within 28 days.

The average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the day of the auction is used for the conversion.

Contact Person

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7 / 12 Positions in this Auction

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