Part of the Auction Very well maintained mass spectrometer with HPLC system and accessories
Mass spectrometer with HPLC system Thermo Fisher Scientific
Trading #17343-51
Product Type
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Construction Year
System components: Mass spectrometer, manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific, type Orbitrap Exploris 240, year 2022, SN MM10539C, quadrupole table-top Orbitrap system with HCD and in-source fragmentation, mass range 40 to 6.000 m/z, resolution from 15,000 up to 240,000 FWHM at 200 m/z, scan rate up to 22 Hz, base unit w. ion chromatography system (IC system), ion source API inlet source housing, type OptaMax NG (not in use), w. X, Y and Z probe positioning, intergr. APCI functionality, fixed on-axis view port, HESI spray kit and calibration probe, ion source, type Nanospray Flex ION Source Kit (in use), 1 liquid chromatography system (UHPLC system), manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific, type Vanquaqua. Thermo Fisher Scientific, type Vanquish Neo Nano LC, year 2022, SN SYS830420, with nano, capillary and micro LC for highly sensitive LCMS applications, f. Separations from 0.001-100 µl with up to 1,500 bar, consisting of: isocratic HPLC pump (Vanquish Pump), autosampler (Vanquish Autosampler), column oven (Vanquish Column Compartment N), SN 6514613, f. wound fused silicia columns or LC columns up to 300 mm in length, 1 nitrogen generator, manufactured by CMC Instruments, type NGM-22-C Nitrogen-Generator, year of manufacture 2022, SN B07-22C-F4-025, 1 mobile equipment table, manufactured by Sonation Lap Solutions, 1 high table, manufactured by CMC Instruments, type NGM-22-C Nitrogen-Generator, year of manufacture 2022, SN B07-22C-F4-025. Sonation Lap Solutions, 1 height-adjustable mobile laboratory table, Sonation Lap Solutions, 1 vacuum pump, Leybold, type Sogevac, 1 PC, Dell, type Optiplex XE3, service tag CJ205G3, Intel Core i7, 1 24" monitor, keyboard, mouse, initial commissioning 10/2022, last inspection / maintenance in 12/2023 by Thermo Fisher (see PDF attachments)
- 82152 Planegg, Großhaderner Str. 9, BMC Biomedizinisches Centrum München (LMU München)
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